Our Sweet Sixteen: Help Us Determine the Best Writin’ School in the Land

categories: Cocktail Hour


Once again it is time to scientifically determine the best writing school in the country.  This year’s seeding is based on last year’s results.  Can Vermont defend its title?  Stay tuned.

We ask that you leave your vote on the comments page of this post.  Only one vote per person per school this round please.  But if you like you can vote for two schools, yours and another.  This next round of voting will determine the final 2!  Because how long can we really keep this up?



1. Vermont College: 192

2. Bama: 64

3. Ohio State: 51
4. McNeese: 44
5. Goddard: 43 (a spate of late votes would have made G number 3, but…..)
6. George Mason: 35
7. UNCW: 23
8. Ashland: 22
9. SDSU: 21
10. Virginia Tech: 15
11. Arizona State: 13
12. BGSU: 9
13. New School: 7
14. Arizona: 7
15. Iowa: 7
16.  Penn State RIP: 5





  1. Virginia Woolf writes:

    Vermont College of Fine Arts, of course!

  2. Sue Silverman writes:

    Vermont College of Fine Arts is the best!

  3. Richard McCann writes:
  4. dmarkow writes:
  5. Patti writes:
  6. Mel writes:
  7. Jewel Beth Davis writes:

    VCFA of course. Then maybe Bennington.

  8. Gretchen Haertsch writes:

    Vermont College of Fine Arts!

  9. Katherine Quimby writes:

    VCFA all the way!

  10. Tessa writes:


  11. Jenny Dunning writes:

    Vermont College AND Ohio University

  12. Megan writes:
  13. Deanne Gertner writes:
  14. Robin Kirk writes:
  15. Melanie writes:

    VCFA…all the way!

  16. Kelly Dyksterhouse writes:

    Vermont College of Fine Arts!!

  17. Chelsea writes:

    Vermont allll the way!

  18. Elizabeth Swartz writes:

    VCFA is the best there is, best faculty, best residency, best results, best friends.

  19. Bonnie Pipkin writes:
  20. Elizabeth White writes:

    Wow, it’s gotta be Vermont still !

  21. Jim Hill writes:

    Another Vote for Vermont College of Fine Arts.

  22. Shannon Morgan writes:
  23. VCFA! All the way!

  24. Nina Nelson writes:

    Vermont College of Fine Arts!

  25. morgan writes:

    Goddard, ftw.

  26. Kaitlin D writes:
  27. Jan Groft writes:

    Vermont College! Yay!

  28. Julie Larios writes:

    Definitely Vermont College of Fine Arts. Wild glorious, inspiring residencies, ditto faculty, and a sense of personal mentorship through each semester of the MFA. Plus it’s in Vermont, what’s not to love?

  29. Beth Staples writes:

    I’m going Arizona State and UNCW!

  30. Sarah Einstein writes:

    Ohio University! Go Bobcats! (Our writing program is way better than our football program, I promise.)

  31. CPK writes:

    Another vote for Ohio University.

  32. Jan writes:

    Vermont College, of course!

  33. Jentheauthor writes:
  34. dinty writes:

    Ohio University. And I didn’t vote twice, there are two of me.

  35. Jeanne Mallett writes:

    Sorry I’m a little late joining in but I had a big writing assignment to finish. Hope you’re still counting because I can honestly say I learned more in less time and have had more success since after I attended a couple of Creative Writing classes at

    THE Ohio State University

    So I cast one strong and thankful vote for OSU

  36. Mo Duffy Cobb writes:

    Vermont College!

  37. Patrick Ross writes:

    Gimme a V! Gimme a C! Gimme an F! Gimme an A! What does that spell? VCFA! Gooooooooo Vermont!

  38. Leslie writes:

    Vermont for sure. We’re all over the Writer’s Chronicle, and we also know how to play.

  39. Terry Pine writes:

    or Texas or UNC-Wilmington or if they have a cubicle in a publishing office in Manhattan. So if you are really good, and you are smart about it, you will go to a place that can help you by association. You will do good work. You will take the stipend check and say thank you. You will not settle for being exploited.

    • Bill writes:

      We’ll take this as a vote for Western Quebec University! And thanks for the absurd careerist claptrap!

  40. Terry Pine writes:


    The joke is on the ones who are so eager to be legitimized by yet another sham way of ranking. It goes like this. If you are at Iowa, no need to wave your arms in the air and say you are important. If you are at Antioch or Ashland or Goddard, you are hoping every day that someone will take you seriously.

    Exceptions to this low residency rule for Vermont and Warren Wilson. They are first-rate, although it is a crime to make anybody pay for a degree like the MFA. If the school is not funding you, the school is injuring your future for profit. Unless you are one of those rich people who hang out all summer at conferences and the real writers have to patronize you so they can get their reciprocal patronage. Cash.

    Who knows where the best writers will be found? They could be at Goddard or Ashland, but they stand a better chance in the world if they are at Iowa or Michigan or Columbia or Alabama or

  41. Spoiling the big dance for Cinderella. It’s Vermont College of Fine Arts.

  42. David Jauss writes:

    VCFA, no doubt about it!

  43. Kat Miller writes:

    What’s with all this Goddard nonsense? VCFA, obvs.

  44. Glynnis writes:

    ALABAMA, y’all.

  45. Alan Cumyn writes:

    VCFA! Amazing students, great place to teach, a community atmosphere unlike any other I’ve experienced. And…all those publications and prizes garnered by the alums!

  46. Amy Wallen writes:

    Vermont College. There is no other acceptable answer.

  47. Sam Janzen writes:

    Iowa of course. It is a weird tournament where networks of Internet-organized enthusiasm wins. (Lucky that “Self-Published Authors Unite” won’t get a bracket slot alongside these low residency programs!) If the NCAA Tournament worked this way, the University of Phoenix would win every year, and Liberty University would knock off Duke or Louisville or Michigan in the first round. That is what it will look like when Goddard inevitably beats Iowa in the first round, and Vermont College wins the whole thing.

    What the tongue-in-cheek humor of these brackets covers is the sad reality of the haves and have-nots in MFA-land.

  48. Daniel McGinn writes:

    Vermont College of Fine Arts

  49. Daniel McGinn writes:
  50. Lynn Zitta writes:

    Vermont College!