1. Pat shipley writes:

    Buffalo. Talking Leaves is there. Can’t place the sculpture.
    Are you set for Charlottesville? The film festival is on now so the book festival is just a season away.

    • Bill writes:

      Buffalo is right! I spent Friday there after a great day Thursday at SUNY Fredonia. Visited Talking Leaves (two locations, nice people), and then the Albright-Knox Gallery, which is a really fine museum. I’m not sure what’s happening with Charlottesville–I’d better look into it.

      • Pat shipley writes:

        Let me know if I can help on this end regarding the book festival. A lot of people I know are looking forward to seeing you in Charlottesville. You can even pad the list with your family members here.
        By the way, where is my valueless prize?

      • Rosalba writes:

        I grew up in Richmond at the time when it ranked #2 in the contruy for murder rates, right behind Washington, D.C. To this day, I meet people who are leery of downtown Richmond. The truth now is just as it was back then – as long as you’re not in the habit of buying crack, you’re safe. I went to high school in the City and every two months it seemed that someone was killed within a 5 block radius of the school. But again, it was never random and always drug related.I’ve traveled through dense urban areas all over the contruy, and abroad. From Richmond and Detroit to Johannesburg and Dar es Salaam. There are definitely unsafe urban places in the world (parts of South Africa and Brazil jump to mind) but of my top 10 – none are American cities. As far as crime goes, it’s a publicized minority of events that lead to fear about some of our safe urban neighborhoods.

  2. Debora writes:

    Hahaha. Hmmm…I think Bildo is inside the sphere and slowly rolling it toward the door in a daring attempt to take it home for free, because he has the perfect spot for it next to his sofa.