Bad Advice
We are all poets now
categories: Bad Advice / Cocktail Hour
comments: 32 comments
Stop the presses! Alert the media! Big news has come down.
And what’s all the fuss about?
Haven’t you heard?
New York, the all-knowing all-powerful publishing capital, somehow missed out on publishing an important literary book.
How could it happen? Has it ever happened before? Could it possibly ever happen again? What does it all mean?
Beginning Is Terrifying Business
categories: Bad Advice / Cocktail Hour
comments: 12 comments
I’ve been thinking a lot about apprenticeship lately, though I’m not sure exactly why (old age? sentimentality?) I don’t think I ever actually used the word “apprentice” when I was one: all I really knew or thought about was making the book I was working on great, and getting it published so that it would change the world forever. As it turned out, I wrote three books before getting the fourth one published, which ended up taking about thirteen years, and the world did not seem particularly changed. Continue reading →