Bad Advice Wednesday: Start your Writing Machine!

categories: Bad Advice / bad advice / Movies


After how many years in school, and then 25 more as a professor, I’m hopelessly (and happily) hooked into the academic year.  Summer is a time to refill the buckets of the soul–but come September, all those ideas from all those sunny days with all those friends old and new start to take paragraph form, my brain begging to get back to work, my fingers itching for the keyboard.  I don’t teach anymore, but I’ve kept the writing machine oiled and ready to go, dependable old thing!  And I’ll be getting back to Bill and Dave’s, as well.  Dave’s already in–but in the south, you know, they start school early.

Ladies and Gentlemen, start your engines!

  1. Frederick H. Rice writes:

    Dave… I met your father at a Boy Scout Jamboree at Valley Forge, PA many years ago. Long story short – I became a surrogate father to Ian MacRae and his sister Heather, both now living in Portland, ME. I was curious about your father and learned from the web site that he died of cancer on Cape Cod. Which of your books tells more about your father ?… Fred Rice

    • Dave writes:

      Fred, A Wild, Rank Place, my first book, is in part a memoir of my father’s death. There is an essay called To the Fatherland in my third book, Sick of Nature, which talks about our relationship. Thanks for asking, Dave