Thanks to Our Guest Posters!

categories: Cartoons / Cocktail Hour


Vasilios Askmakos

Kristen Keckler


Lisa Bonchek Adams

Linda K. Wertheimer

Richard Gilbert

Dinty W. Moore

Michael Nye

Debora Black

Jim Roberts

Alise Hamilton

Thierry Kaufmann

Tommy Conlon (with Bill)

Kurt Vonnegut’s Typer

Melissa Falcon



Monica Wood

John Lane

Burns Ellison

Doyle Self-portrait


Katherine Heiny by Leonard Bailey


Wesley McNair


Mac Bates


Josh Bodwell


















  1. Tommy writes:

    There’s something in here that’s been bothering me, still bothers me – Kurt Vonnegut’s Smith-Corona. I see now that it’s under glass. Why’s it still minty-fresh, why aren’t any letters worn off their keys, like on my car door remote?

    Are we to believe he composed his masterpiece (choose one) here, or was this a Christmas, Birthday, or Father’s Day what-do-we-get-Dad gift – annoyed by the maddening repetitive characters when he absent-mindedly leaned on a key, or lingered too long on a character – he tried once, never used again, returning to his trusty manual?

    • Bill writes:

      They had more than one of these at the Vonnegut Memorial Library, and an explanation. I think it may only have been used for a later book or two. Worth a visit if you’re in Indianapolis sometime. If it weren’t under glass, I would have been hard pressed not to touch it!