Spend a Week Writing in Vermont at Wildbranch (as close as we get to an ad)

categories: Cocktail Hour



Come join us!  Last time it was a perfect combination of intense writing, great camaraderie, and a beautiful place.

In the week we are there I will take my class through the process of drafting two essays, one a braided essay that weaves three topics, and the other an essay with a focus on place.
Here’s the link.  Here’s the info:
The Wildbranch Writing Workshop is the country’s foremost writing workshop for people interested in honing their ability to write honestly and powerfully about the natural world. Join Christopher Cokinos, David Gessner, Ginger Strand, and members of the Orion editorial staff for a week of writing and conversation in the rolling hills of Vermont’s Northeast Kingdom. Application deadline April 12, 2012.
Two editors-in-residence from Orion magazine offer participants the option of a one-on-one critique of a piece of their writing. A limited number of manuscripts will be accepted for review on a first-come first-served basis and a 4,000-word limit applies. Those wishing to take advantage of this opportunity are asked to submit their work to the workshop director by June 1.

  1. Tim o'Shea writes:

    I would truly like to consider joining in this writer’s workshop. I have great respect for the writing and research done by Orion.

    I hang out with artisan fish producers, both wild and aquaculture, in unique settings all over the world, then battle with the commodity market players to get great fish to top chefs and continually educate the marketplace regarding the need to vote with our forks for a food system that deserves our support and which can serve to support our health.

    I could use time to write about this with some really good coaching and editing help. Is that what this workshops offers? If so, what is the application process?

    • Dave writes:


      Yes. It’s a week of class in the morning and then writing the rest of the day. If you go to the link or just google “Wildbranch Writing Workshop Orion” you can see the three courses offerred and decide which one best matches your interests. I know Ginger and Chris and they are great writers and teachers. I’m pretty good too.

      Hope you can join us. Best, David

  2. Bill writes:

    This looks really, really fun. And I know from experience that the Orion editors are smart. And just look at the setting. Everyone over to Maine after for a swim!

    • Mad writes:

      Thanks for the link. I love listening to (some) aurhtos talking about their writing. ABC Radio National’s Book Program has some winners, as does the BBC’s Open Book and Book Club. So much to discover!