Our Sweet Sixteen: Help Us Determine the Best Writin’ School in the Land

categories: Cocktail Hour


Once again it is time to scientifically determine the best writing school in the country.  This year’s seeding is based on last year’s results.  Can Vermont defend its title?  Stay tuned.

We ask that you leave your vote on the comments page of this post.  Only one vote per person per school this round please.  But if you like you can vote for two schools, yours and another.  This next round of voting will determine the final 2!  Because how long can we really keep this up?



1. Vermont College: 192

2. Bama: 64

3. Ohio State: 51
4. McNeese: 44
5. Goddard: 43 (a spate of late votes would have made G number 3, but…..)
6. George Mason: 35
7. UNCW: 23
8. Ashland: 22
9. SDSU: 21
10. Virginia Tech: 15
11. Arizona State: 13
12. BGSU: 9
13. New School: 7
14. Arizona: 7
15. Iowa: 7
16.  Penn State RIP: 5





  1. louise writes:

    Got to be Vermont College of Fine Arts once again!

  2. Robert writes:

    UNCW is clearly the best. I mean, look at all these people who went to second-rate writing schools. They aren’t even spelling “UNCW” correctly.

  3. Angela writes:
  4. Jackie Kalbli writes:
  5. Valerie M. Scopaz writes:

    My money (and my pen) are on Stony Brook Southampton/Manhattan. This campus offers an unbeatable combination of location and published talent with networking and street cred. Between Southampton and Manhattan you get a dynamic range (from ocean beaches to skyscrapers) and unparalleled access to artists in all forms of literature and media. The secret sauce? Freedom to grow and explore along with enthusiastic support of faculty and fellow writers. Priceless.

  6. Jane Carlson writes:
  7. Skila Brown writes:
  8. Kelsy H writes:
  9. Zan writes:

    VCFA, of course.

  10. Meg Davis writes:
  11. Sandra Nickel writes:
  12. Weyshawn Koons writes:

    Vermont College of Fine Arts!

  13. Rebecca Ring writes:
  14. Christina Morrow writes:
  15. Dave W writes:
  16. Robin Herrera writes:

    Vermont College of Fine Arts!

  17. Ginger Johnson writes:
  18. TJ Barker writes:

    Goddard College MFA – transformational!

  19. Rebecca Van Slyke writes:

    VCFA all the way!!

  20. Tavia Gilbert writes:

    My beloved Vermont College! Of course!

  21. Sarah Marian S. writes:
  22. Megan writes:
  23. Larissa Theule writes:
  24. Debra Rook writes:

    VCFA all the way!

  25. Valerie Howlett writes:

    I vote VCFA:)

  26. Lori Steel writes:

    It can only be VCFA!

  27. John writes:

    A wildcard sleeper for the win: Stony Brook Southampton and Stony Brook Manhattan

  28. Janet Fox writes:
  29. Heather Duncan writes:

    VCFA. Clearly. 🙂

  30. Tirzah Price writes:
  31. Cheryl Coupe writes:

    VCFA! Nothing like it.

  32. Kelly Barson writes:

    Vermont College. (VCFA) No other school like it.

  33. Cynthia writes:

    Vermont College of Fine Arts

  34. Trent writes:

    Vermont College of Fine Arts. It’s a swell school.

  35. LG writes:

    1) VCFA
    2) VCFA

  36. Melissa writes:
  37. Liz Cook writes:
  38. Liza G Walsh writes:

    VCFA without a doubt! Best in the land…

  39. Amy Capetta writes:

    VCFA. All the way.

  40. Daphne Kalmar writes:

    Vermont College of Fine Arts!!!

  41. Katie B writes:
  42. Jessica Leader writes:

    Vermont College of Fine Arts! I’ve never loved a school more.

  43. Jessica Denhart writes:

    VCFA always and forever!

  44. Charlie writes:

    SDSU absolutely

  45. Kate writes:
  46. Ryan writes:

    1. San Diego State University. And if UCSD counts for SDSU like it did last year…

    2. UC-San Diego

  47. Vermont College

  48. Dianne White writes:

    VCFA all the way!!

  49. Jan Lower writes:

    VCFA. No question, hands down.