Our Sweet Sixteen: Help Us Determine the Best Writin’ School in the Land

categories: Cocktail Hour


Once again it is time to scientifically determine the best writing school in the country.  This year’s seeding is based on last year’s results.  Can Vermont defend its title?  Stay tuned.

We ask that you leave your vote on the comments page of this post.  Only one vote per person per school this round please.  But if you like you can vote for two schools, yours and another.  This next round of voting will determine the final 2!  Because how long can we really keep this up?



1. Vermont College: 192

2. Bama: 64

3. Ohio State: 51
4. McNeese: 44
5. Goddard: 43 (a spate of late votes would have made G number 3, but…..)
6. George Mason: 35
7. UNCW: 23
8. Ashland: 22
9. SDSU: 21
10. Virginia Tech: 15
11. Arizona State: 13
12. BGSU: 9
13. New School: 7
14. Arizona: 7
15. Iowa: 7
16.  Penn State RIP: 5





  1. Brad Watson writes:

    Write-in: Wyoming. Check the ratings, pals.

  2. Ashley writes:

    UNCW! Hands down. (BFA Grad ’11)

  3. Eric writes:
  4. Lauren writes:

    VCFA of course!

  5. Christy writes:

    V! C! F! A!
    Vermont College all the way!

  6. Natalia writes:
  7. Stephanie writes:

    VCFA all the way!!!!

  8. Holly writes:
  9. Mallory writes:
  10. JF Gagliardi writes:
  11. Lavonne Adams writes:

    Silly question! UNCW!!!!

  12. Adelaide Solomon-Jordan writes:

    Goddard College

  13. Alisa writes:

    Fairfield University! Where else can you have workshops near a saint’s mummified arm?

  14. BeebeeSomewhere writes:

    Vermont College of Fine Arts.

  15. Mandy writes:

    Goddard College!

  16. Miriam Parker writes:
  17. Rebecca Petruck writes:

    UNC Wilmington. (And if I must for a second, VCFA.)

  18. Larry Michael Lounsbury writes:

    Goddard College has the pulse of this generation.

  19. Kerry Headley writes:
  20. Kate writes:

    My own scientific exploration of this question places the answer at The University of North Carolina Wilmington. Because it rules. That’s why.

  21. Rusty writes:

    UNCW, obviously. Because I go to there.

  22. Snezana Zabic writes:

    For science’s sake, the best writing school is UNCW. I hope this year’s “RESULT’s” will correct last year’s negligible margin of error.

  23. Dan writes:
  24. Daren Dean writes:

    UNCW–of course!

  25. Lucas Peters writes:

    There are not too many colleges where I can pursue and MFA while living in Morocco… Goddard all the way!

  26. Jason writes:
  27. Jessica writes:
  28. Rachel writes:


  29. Allison writes:
  30. daisy barringer writes:

    UNCW, obvi. Because none of these other suckers think it’s OK to use words like obvi, when obvi it totally it is.

    Not helping the cause, am I…

  31. Samantha Zeiner writes:

    Goddard College

  32. a archer writes:
  33. Yolanda writes:
  34. Ruth writes:

    Goddard all the way!!

  35. Clayton writes:

    The Ohio State University.

  36. Camille writes:
  37. Krista writes:
  38. Shelly Weathers writes:

    GODDARD!!! Bea Gates and Victoria Nelson bring it.

  39. Josh writes:
  40. Maggie Cleveland writes:
  41. bernd sauermann writes:

    mcneese! hands down.

  42. Rebe writes:

    Ohio State University!

  43. Lynne writes:

    Writing in for Fairfield University.

  44. Jan writes:
  45. Dustin Byerly writes:

    Goddard College!

  46. Michael writes:

    McNeese of course…where else can you ruminate over poetry while cracking open a mudbug?

  47. Mary Langley writes:
  48. Sharon Chirichillo writes:

    Goddard changes writers lives by providing students a creative & authentic dialogue. I am greateful to Goddard.

  49. Stacy writes:

    McNeese, obviously McNeese.